03 November 2010

Monster Cupcakes! Attack!!

A few weekends ago I met up with my darling friends for dinner and a bit of a pre-party. They roused me to join them for a splendid night of wild dancing and costume contests. But, all of that was halted when I realized I locked my keys in the car.

Anyone who is well acquainted with me is aware of my uncanny ability to "lose" my keys. It's not as though I have actually misplaced them, but I induce a panicked state of searching for a small collection of keys in the bottom of a dark purse or even discovering that I have them in my back pocket when I cannot come across them quickly.

But, I had put most of that frantic searching behind me when I came to the epiphany (I'm not kidding this was the most exciting day I had. I even came up with a brilliant idea for bananas, but I'll explain that another time) when Caitlin told me to hook them onto the ring on the outside of my purse. Ingenious!!

It seemed as though all of my key losses were behind me.That was until I locked them in my car. I have NEVER locked keys in a car before. I was so flustered and ashamed that I had done such a thoughtless act.

Luckily I was in just the right company! Both Steve and Erik are masters of the car world (well as far as I can tell from my limited knowledge. And hey, they are my key saviors so of course they THE MOST incredible!) with their well developed knowledge pertaining to the extraction of keys from inside a vehicle.

Two bent hangers, a screwdriver, swearing, masked costumes, and many sexual innuendos later the car was unlocked and my keys retrieved.

I could not think of a better way to repay their hard work than with baked goods. (And who doesn't love cupcakes?!) So I whipped up a batch of monstrously-sized red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. (I'm not kidding these cupcakes tower over any cupcake you have seen before!)
Just warm out of the oven. mmmmm :)

Ready for frosting!

See! These cupcakes are like the mutant-monster, steroid-using version of the regular cupcake

Frosted, decorated, and ready to be eaten! Enjoy Steve and Erik!

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