05 August 2010

I went to work with a bottle of water and came home with a bottle of veuve

Oh what a delicious night last evening. It was cool and breezy. The patio of the Granary was buzzing,but not congested. I thoroughly enjoyed the company of Uncle Randy and Aunt Debbie discussing literature and life over mojitos, and bubbly champagne. It makes me feel sparkly :)

I went to look at a little studio apartment. It's located in a nice area and a pretty decent space just for lil' ol me, but when I went up to take a closer look I ran into the "neighbor." Upon greeting, we asked how he liked the place. His response: "Well I just got out of a relationship and this place works for now." 
That was a sign enough. And too ironic.
I don't want a place just for now and I don't want to be on the same plateau as him. No, I am working toward opening myself to opportunities and all that life can offer me in this transitional time. Although it's a daunting and anxiety inducing task to find the right place where I can be me, I am certain there is a wonderful place for me. I will live there while I finish up school and then move to transition onto another place even more promising for a career and a splendid life of happiness. Much like the friend in my next topic of discussion. Is it not amazing making the connections and building an intricate web between all the parts of your life?

Here is a recent finding. 

In our insect collection facility, also known as a pop-up net bug holder with zippers and a hook attachment, there in lies two caterpillars. They have an interesting physiology in that the tail appears to be the head with a horn, much like a unicorn (magic). Yet, when it moves it is obvious that the smaller end with a grub-like face is the head. That, or the poor creature spends its like moving in reverse, unlike the hummingbird which can do no such thing.

After a bit of research it was discovered that these caterpillars will transform (via metamorphosis of course) into a beautiful moth. (Does that not just drop with a thud realizing that it's not going to be some glorious butterfly) No, rather it will become a White-lined  Sphinx Moth, as shown in the picture above. They are quite large fitting inside the palm of your hand and have a rich coloring ranging from cream to tan to brown to a rusty sienna. Each color a scale and each scale making up the pattern so distinctive to each species. I've already caught the Five-spotted Hawk Moth, so it appears I have a bit of a collection going. I wonder what I will find next!


  1. hey! thats awesome that youre looking for your own apartment! wheres the studio you were looking at located? I'm so glad that you have such a happy and positive state of mind. :) makes me happy!!
    i think you put those photos of moths up on your blog to torture me. moths are the bane of my existence! yuck!!

  2. Oh I'm so sorry about the torture! You would hate to see the giant one I have pinned up. I'll place a warning before I post any more so you can avert your eyes ;)

    The studio is on the west end near MSU-Billings. I've also had a friend say that she's interested in a new place too so I might try looking for some two bedroom places too. I saw an adorable Victorian one close to downtown that would be fun to live in.

  3. omg, i cant believe you have a REAL giant one pinned up. please dont even show it to me, unless you want it covered in vomit, just sayin. :)
    oo having an apartment right by the college would be perfect! Just make sure if you move in with someone that theyre someone you can stand do live with. the one and only time that I ever had a room mate was horrible! she was annoying though, i was dumb to even move in with her, i was just desperate for a place. haha. i cant wait to see what apartment you choose, keep me updated!
