02 August 2010

The bovine whisperer

On my way home this is what I encountered:

The sun is setting and it has cooled off. Not the chill of night, but an easy and comfortable coolness that makes me want to wander the gravel road for miles. The earthy sage and vibrant grasses crush under my step releasing the most refreshing sent; it's intoxicating and only keeps me moving forward to experience it again and again.
Moo Cow on the lose!
The escape route

As I rumble down the gravel road I see on the left a lose cow--black and dusty. It is just outside the barbedwire fence grinding the longer grasses between its flat teeth. Slowly I pull the car over to the side and get out. It's not that I have not been around cattle before, but I am very curious tonight. I want to see how close I can get.
Soon RC roars down the road and blows the horn. The cow quickly takes off before I am able to really get close. RC hops out when I tell him my plan. We follow the cow as it trots back toward the gully.With a quick thrust and snap of the wire the cow slips through the opening in the wire.
Luckily, there are a couple of cows lounging by the fence just a few feet down. We approach them. They rise from the ground dusty and covered with flies. We rip up a handful of grass and offer it to the cows. They are all too pleased and welcome our touch!
Thank you, RC, for greeting the cows with me :)

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