15 August 2010

It's like someone punched her in the face and she started to swell up in a healthy, happy way

While I have been out shopping the last few days I  have noticed the growing trend to wear large rings. And when I say large I am taking about taking over multiple fingers, moving parts,embedded jewels, metal prongs, and elevated from the hand by inches. While a ring can be a great accessory to any outfit, this is getting a little out of hand.                                      (no pun intended, or was it?!)

My conclusion from seeing the cornucopia of circlets is that rather than learning a few effective techniques to take down an assailant, women may use their massive rings to deflect and even decapitate the assaulter. Just look at all of the small, sharp edges perfect for gouging and scraping. Then the larger stones can be used for bruising or even breaking appendages. While we ohh and ahh over the creative genius that includes bows, bees,or other woodland creatures no one is going to want it as an impression in a cheekbone.


  1. They would never suspect a beautiful woman to be a messy murderer...

  2. that thing would kill a person!! the bottom one would put a nice hole in someones temple, hehe.

  3. See I knew it! Rings are more than for storing lip gloss and can really be used for destruction!(insert Mattie here with angry fist of rage!) But, first and foremost, lip gloss.

  4. agreed. having glossy lips is MUCH more important than rage.
